thinking of booking in?

what you’ll get

Each wedding booking includes:

1. a pre-wedding chat and planning help as needed

2. coverage on the day depending on your needs

3. high resolution files with full printing and sharing rights – I Don’t put a limit on the number of photos you’ll receive

4. a private online gallery to view, download and share all your lovely images or films

5. fully qualified dress floofer

full day wedding photography from £1650

wedding highlight film prices from £1400

Lissanoure Castle Wedding

you’d like to have photos just like these? great!

Get in touch using my contact form and we’ll take it from there

Next Steps


you think I could be the gal for you and you Get in touch using my website contact form. you’ll get a reply from me within 48 hours to let you know if I’m available!


we have a wee chat about your plans so far and find the perfect package for you. I’ll send you through some price info and an online booking in form.


you complete the booking form, pay your booking fee and that’s it! time to sit back and feel super smug to have another wedding job ticked off the list.

“Steph captured the day so well.

Aside from her talent she was so much fun to work with! we Would recommend Steph 100 times over!”

Courtney + Niall

as seen on

Love My Dress feature
lightning bolt graphic
one fab day
Lissanoure Castle Wedding

i Can’t wait to hear from you!

If you connect with my style of photography and like what you’ve heard so far, I would love to chat with you and hear all about your plans.

If you have any burning questions check out my FAQ page or complete my contact form to get in touch!